Bu bölümde, IELTS sınavı için hazırlanmış Family and Friends related keywords listesine ulaşabilirsiniz.
- Immediate family ne demek?
- Close knit family ne demek?
- Strike up a friendship ne demek?
- A shoulder to cry on ne demek?
- Sharing a common background ne demek?
- Dear to my heart ne demek?
Immediate Family
Are uncles immediate family?
“In general, a person’s immediate family is his or her smallest family unit, including parents, siblings, spouse, and children.”
“The exact inclusions may differ depending on law or organization that defines an individual’s immediate family.“
Örnek: My immediate family consists of 5 people. My mother, my father, my brother and my sister. – Yakın ailem 5 kişiden oluşuyor. Annem, babam, erkek kardeşim ve kız kardeşim.
Close Knit Family
Is your family close kint?
“The definition of close knit is connected or staying near, especially for a family.”
“Close knit family consists of full of people who are involved in each other’s lives, who are aware of small and large events in each other’s lives and are very supportive of each other in times of trouble.”
Örnek: I am blessed to have a close knit family. – Birbirine sıkı sıkıya bağlı bir ailem olduğu için şanslıyım.
Strike up a Friendship
“The definition of strike up a friendship is to startto become friendly with someone, to start talking to them.”
Örnek: When they met at the half-day seminar event, they struck up a friendship – Yarım günlük seminer etkinliğinde tanıştıklarında bir dostluk kurdular.
A Shoulder to Cry On
“The definition of a shoulder to cry on is someone who is willing to listen to your problems and give you sympathy, emotional support and encouragement”
Örnek: Offer to be a shoulder to cry on any time your friend needs one – Arkadaşınızın ihtiyacı olduğunda ağlayacak bir omuz olmayı teklif edin.
Sharing a Common Background
“The definition of common background refers to people with the same perspective who are coming from same social, educational, occupational interests.”
Sharing a common background is to share a similar education, occupation, social life, culture or heritage.
Örnek: What they do is provide forums for groups of students, faculty or employees who share a common background or interest. – Yaptıkları, ortak bir geçmişi veya ilgi alanını paylaşan öğrenci, öğretim öğretim üyesi veya çalışan grupları için forumlar sağlamaktır.
Dear to My Heart
“The definition of dear to my heart is very personally and emotinally important to one.”
Örnek: The little girl who came to visit the elderly man last weekend was very clear to her heart. – Geçen hafta sonu yaşlı adamı ziyarete gelen küçük kız, yaşlı adam için çok önemliydi.
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